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无声的证言 第十八季剧情简介

David,Richards执导的《无声的证言 第十八季》在2015年上映至今获得了不错的口碑,是由艾米莉娅·福克斯,David,Caves,理查德·林特恩等主演的一部不错的欧美剧。

  Three people, the Lakhanis, an Indian couple, and an employee are shot dead by a long range sniper on a garage forecourt - a seemingly motiveless crime. Ten miles away another victim, profoundly deaf Hannah Smithson, is also shot, though her boyfriend's brother Chris, targeted with her, survives but is unable to help with any information. Inspector Jane De Freitas, on the rebound from an affair with colleague Robert Drake, calls in the pathology team but with the sniper at large and shooting indiscriminately Thomas is concerned for ex-wife Julia and their daughter Rosie, n..

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