
无声的证言 第十四季剧情简介

苏珊·塔利,詹姆斯·斯特朗执导的《无声的证言 第十四季》在2011年上映至今获得了不错的口碑,是由艾米莉娅·福克斯,威廉·加米那拉,汤姆·沃德,阿德里安娜·贝托拉,Kelly等主演的一部不错的欧美剧。

The day after Professor Silverlake, consultant neurologist at the Dartmouth London hospital, has railed at three patients for smoking and drinking on the premises, all three are found dead. Silverlake, apparently the last doctor to visit the ward, later goes berserk with a rifle and is killed by police snipers. The ward's night nurse is also found dead. Nikki is deeply upset at having to perform an autopsy on a little girl who was murdered, apparently by Jason Bodle, on whom Silverlake once performed life-saving surgery, and wonders if the professor allowed himself to be sho..

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